I've always loved tomatoes - and now we grow them. The farm project started out as a means to cut cooling cost - by growing plants on the rooftop, it provides shade and thus lessen the impact the sun places on the roof. But then the crop was plentiful and what we couldn't eat - we sold. Needless to say, we've been eating a lot of tomatoes.

Tomatoes have been notarized for its source of lycopene - an antioxidant that protects cells from damage, prevents several types of cancer, and reduces the risk of heart diseases. So I figure its cool that we are eating so much. But I've also grown curious to its ability to slow the hands of time.
A few weeks ago, my sister asked me to check if she had white hair and to pull it out if I see any. I was expecting to see about 7-8 white hair (she's a lot younger than me) as that has been the number I have been pulling for the past year - and she usually asks me to check every month. I found none this time around - none at all. The last time I checked her hair was in January - and although I usually check it once a month, we were unusually busy this year. But the thing is I found none. She said the only thing she could think of is that she ate tomatoes every night with her dinner. Hmmmmm.
She continued to share that she loved the tomatoes but that it was making her eat more - she would be so full at dinner time. Interesting thing though - she looks thinner now than she did in December. Her skin looked healthier. Double hmmmmm. I'm not making any claims but I figure I've been growing the fruit - and I haven't been eating it as much as my brothers and sisters have been because I tend to eat out more than they do. But after this curiosity though, I think its time to eat more of what I grow. So I started keeping a baggy of tomatoes in my purse so that I can eat it with my dinner wherever I find myself. Last night, I was at Denny's - I had fried rice, longaneesa, and eggs over easy. I popped out my bag of tomatoes. I ate only a fourth of my order - I shared my meal with my three girls - but felt like I eat three servings. I was full - no - I was satisfied.
I don't know if I will find less white hair on my head - cuz I have tons. I don't know if it will improve the health and complexion of my skin. I don't know if I will drop the weight. But studies have shown that there are many other health benefits to eating tomatoes.... and so if you see me pull out my baggy in a restaurant.... you know its just my tomatoes.
We must have eaten and sold over 100 lbs of tomatoes since we started harvesting. Now all of it turned out fit for eating. Below are pictures of me and my brothers & sisters poking fun of tomatoes - check it out.
Hmm - double cheek tomato |
Holy tomatoes!!! |
Earthquake tomato
Wanna-be Roma - super small size. |
Nike swoosh Tomato |
Easter Egg tomatoes |
The Marching Band Tomatoes |
Chili not-hot-at-all tomatoes |
The ornamental tomatoes - fit for prom night |
i would like to order the prom tomatoes. :) cool story, but i still wont eat them. maybe if on top of bruschetta! yay!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I love your tomato pictures. Sure makes tomatoes a lot more interesting :D