Yesterday, the song in discussion was "At the End of the Day" from Les Miserables. The song goes....
At the end of the day you're another day older and that's all you can say for the life of the poor
It's a struggle, it's a war, and there's nothing that anyone's giving
One more day, standing about, what is it for? One day less to be living.
At the end of the day you're another day colder, and the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill
And the righteous hurry past they don't hear the little ones crying
And the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill. One day nearer to dying!
At the end of the day there's another day dawning, and the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
Like the waves crash on the sand - Like a storm that'll break any second
There's a hunger in the land - There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
And there's gonna be hell to pay - At the end of the day!
I shared with them that the people's frustration comes from their lack of the basic necessities of life - food, shelter - and everyday was just a struggle to make it through the day. The other parts of the song says "we're lucky to be in a job and in a bed and we're counting our blessings." I could tell that my kids were moved by this idea that there were kids who have not - but was also grateful that they could not fully understand the depth of this desperation; Grateful because it means my kids have plenty - plenty to be grateful for. They go to a school that does not lack supplies, they don't ever go to bed hungry, they are able shower every day, they have access to computers and other technologies - they lack for nothing. But I'm also grateful because although they do not understand the depth of desperation and hopefully never will - they were moved to ask how can we help. They noted the part of the song - "And the righteous hurry past, they don't hear the little ones crying" - they said they wanted to do something. They offered the money that was in their purses (which is a lot more than what I have in mine) and offered to give but to who.
They have grown with the tradition of ringing the bell for Salvation Army and giving to the medical mission team. But now they are thinking there has got to be more - we have more to give - we need to give more, do more. I told them we need to go find people to help - there are plenty - Guam hides them well. Lets start with our neighbors and see how we can tell them that the reason we have plenty is because we have Jesus in our hearts. They looked at me with curious wonder - they knew this was correct but not sure how - our neighbors don't seem to be lacking either. I smiled and said it's because - God loves them and they need to know that no matter what difficulties they face right now - He loves them. But we can't just tell them that He loves them - we need to show them. I then played them another song: For Every Heart by Twila Paris

For the pilgrim in the city, Where there is no home
For the son without a father, For his solitary mother
I have a message...
For the precious fallen daughter, For her devastated father
For the prodigal who's dying in a strange new way
For the child who's always hungry; For the patriot with no country
I have a message: He sees you, He knows you, He loves you,
Jesus loves you. Every heart that is breaking, tonight; Is the heart of a child that he holds in his sight. And, oh, how He longs to hold in his arms
Every heart that is breaking, tonight.
I am blessed by my kids - God has given me three beautiful girls who understand they have much to be thankful for... hopefully they never know what it means to be in want but even so, I hope they can always declare that the secret to being content is God (Philippians 4:12 - I know what it means to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.) Perhaps in the next few months, I'd be able to see what God will do in their lives as they seek out to be used by Him to bless others.
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