Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yet Will I Praise HIm

January 19, 2011

A few months ago, my daughter's pediatrician was concerned that Sydney might have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I have read there are only a handful of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis specialist in the United States soI felt blessed that there was one not too far from Guam.  So we went on a journey to discuss with knowledgeable doctors on what to do to help my daughter.  I felt like everything was going to be okay.  But after the appointment, I left with only one answer, my daughter did not have JRA.  But I did not have the answers to why she ached all the time.  Why did she have bouts with prolonged fatigue.  Why did the typical scarpes and scratches that a nine year old would get tend to take forever to heal.  I left the appointment discouraged, disheartened, confused - dare I say - a little depressed.

I emailed all my friends who had been praying for her - "She doesn't have JRA!!!!" And they all sent in their "Praise the Lord, God is good, Hallelujah." And I hang on to this truth - that God is good.  He has my daughter in His hands.  He is her healer.  He is her strength - and mine too.  I lean on the fact that when I can't find the strength to look up - He is the lifter of my head.  Which why it seemed so timely (God's time always is) that I received my weekly devotional from Dr. Tony Evans reminding me that God knows exactly what we face, what we are going to face, and He will be there every step of the way.

So, regardless of what we will face - whether my daughter's illness will bring more questions or will be met with healing -"Yet will I praise Him. I will joy in the God of my salvation.  The Lord is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet and He will make me walk in the heights."  Habakkuk 3:18-19

I don't have answers but I do know that I can still say Hallelujah and Amen because He is my deliverer, my healer, my Lord.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trials of Parenthood

Parenting is such a paradox.  It is the best and yet trying thing that can ever happen to you.  I would love to take a break away from my kids but what is a break if my kids aren't there to enjoy it with me.  Mind boggling isn't it.   My kids have become my life and yet I often search for an identity apart from them.  It's been so long since I've been me and not Jacqueline, Sydney, and Jamie's mom.... just me.  But that title has been one that I don't think I can live without.  It should be the most honorable title but it is often over looked, taken for granted, etc.....